- Caller’s name and relationship to absent student
- Student’s full name
- Spelling of student's last name
- Room number
- Date(s) of absence
- Reason(s) for absence
- Caller's phone number
Excusable absences include:
- Illness
- Medical/dental appointment
- Death or funeral of immediate family member.
Parents/guardians may clear excused absences by providing the school office with a signed note within 72 hours of the absence that includes the current date, student’s name, and exact days he/she was absent.
- Students must work twice as hard the next day to catch up on missed instruction and missed assignments including homework.
- Teachers lose class time by having to repeat lessons for students who were absent.
- Schools lose funding from the State of California when students are absent from school. This includes all absences, even those related to illness, medical, or dental appointments.
- A loss of funding can lead to the loss of programs such as music, technology, summer school, etc.
- Creating a contract with your child;
Discussing problems your child may have at school and informing teachers about anything serious;
Reinforcing the importance of punctuality;
- Setting regular bedtime schedules;
Incorporating regular exercise in your child's daily activities.
- Teach children to wash their hands properly, especially after using the restroom, and frequently throughout the day.
- Provide healthy, nutritious food and a good breakfast everyday. Reduce the consumption of soda and foods with processed sugar, while increasing daily intake of fruits and vegetables.
- Designate regular and consistent bedtimes for children, so they can receive 8 hours of sleep each night.
- Cough into the elbow to reduce the spread of germs.
Student Pick-Up and Drop-Off
Students who have been identified as truant (5 or more unexcused absences and/or 10 tardies) will be presented with an attendance contract or attendance improvement plan.
Regular truancy meetings will be held with students and their parents/guardians to improve the student's attendance rate. Our schoolwide average daily attendance (ADA) goal is 98%.
Uniform/Dress Code